Narciccus is absolutely one of the best happening places in all of Southeast Asia. Located in the posh area of Sukhumvit 23, this place is NOT for the party poopers, party crashers, old aunties and uncles, balding yuppies, 80-year-old hookers, paddy field maidens, t-shirt wearing goat herders, blue-jeans wearing social climbers and alike. No, these kinds are courteously referred to another club down the road. 

Narcissus is grand, flamboyant, and ostentatious where everybody is hands down GORGEOUS! The best place to display yourself and be seen.

The club had 3 floors,techno hip hop and live music.The techno floor was a space where time stopped and the dancers in the cages and blue illuminous lights took over!!Nigerian DJ CHARLIE rocked the hip hop floor and the live music in Thailand is always on point!!